Training Details

Domestic Violence Danger Assessment and Risk Management / 23 - 24 October 2017

Milwaukee, WI
Sponsored by Emerge

Date: October 23-24, 2017
Milwaukee, WI

Teaching Objectives: This training conference is intended for members of domestic violence teams who are recipients of the Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking (ICJR-formerly GTEAP, "Arrest") grant and Rural Grant Grantees, including police officers, dispatchers, victim advocates, probation officers, prosecutors, batterer intervention program staff, and child welfare workers. The teaching objectives are to give participants up-to-date information and perspective about risk markers for domestic homicides and serious assaults, and to help identify more comprehensive and safe practices for assessing danger, protecting victims, and monitoring batterers.

Faculty and Guest Speakers: The faculty includes David Adams of Emerge, Stephanie Avalon of the Battered Women’s Justice Project, Kelly Dunne and Detective Robert Wile of Domestic Violence High Risk Team, Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, Lt. Jon Tiplady (ret.) of the Danvers Police Department and currently instructor in Criminal Justice at Salem State University, Rebecca Dreke of the Stalking Resource Center, Nancy Halverson of Hennepin County Community Corrections, Prosecutor Walt Jones and Captain Timothy Ellenberger of the Highpoint Model Domestic Violence Initiative, and Lisa Tieszen of Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Each participant will receive a training packet of danger assessment tools and guidelines, as well as an interactive training DVD entitled, Domestic Violence Danger Assessment and Safety Planning, produced by EMERGE with funding from the U.S. Department of Justice.

If you have questions about workshop content, call or e-mail David Adams at EMERGE: (617) 547-9879 or

The registration cut-off date is Thursday, September 28, or when registration spots are filled.

Your registration will be automatically confirmed via a confirmation email that will include hotel reservation information.  Confirmation email comes from Check your junk mail!! If you do not receive this confirmation please contact Jeanne Larson at

Cancellations and name changes must be made in writing. 


ICJR (Formerly Arrest (GTEAP) Grantees), you must use your OVW-issued grant number to register for this training.

Rural Grant Grantees, please use this number to register: 2010-WEAX-1933

Other OVW Grantees, please check with your Grant Manager, and upon OVW approval, call/email Jeanne Larson at 612-824-8768 x101/ , for further regi
stration instructions.

This training is limited to 70 attendees, so register early!